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Cost Estimating

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Construction Defect Litigation Cost Estimating

We have 30 years experience providing extremely complex and detailed cost estimates for Construction Defect cases that often involve hundreds of individual homes.

Electric Bill Analysis

We have helped homeowners throughout California optimize their energy bills by analyzing their hourly usage and recommending the right plan.  We can also model solar and battery systems to save even more when rates continue to rise.

Ongoing Cost Estimating

Provided a detailed estimate of yearly operating costs and maintenance for a large non-profit community air monitoring organization.  This work allowed the organization to obtain important grants for further work.

Geographical Analysis

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Geotagged Data Presentation

Mapping of hundreds of soil density measurement tests for a grading contractor

Custom Maps

In-depth knowledge of appropriate map projections for large-scale presentation

Custom Geographic Excel Functions

Filled a client's need for extremely precise distance and angle measurements across a sphere by creating custom VBA functions

Data Intake

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Efficient Forms

We helped a large law firm streamline their client information database by creating easy-to-use intake forms.  Easy-to-use option boxes and large areas for hand entry makes knowing customer details easy.

Intelligent Bulk Data

We streamlined a home inspection firm's data collection techniques to automatically tag and import transcribed audio commentary to their customized reporting system

Custom Handheld Tablet Forms

We developed easy to use forms for tablet computer hand entry of homeowner information in the field.  The resulting data instantly imports into a database for categorization and reporting.

Other Case Studies

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Fraudulent Concealment / Embezzlement Discovery

We helped a corporation that had been victimized by a multi-year embezzlement scheme by their accountant.  Hundreds of discovery documents and bank records representing thousands of transactions were entered into a single file for instant analysis and quick prosecution.

Custom Billing System

A client needed to prepare and present invoices based on a very complex progress billing scheme.  No existing software could handle their requirements, so we created one for them.

Public Records Request Data

A client had obtained financial data in several disparate formats and files via a Public Records Act request.  We cleaned and synthesized the data for production as a single flat file spreadsheet.

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